About us
Campus Creche is a not-for-profit, community-run early learning service that started in 1973 as a parent cooperative. Being not-for-profit and community-led means we are not owned by a company or individual. The land is leased from the University of Waikato and Fraser High school, as well as a Trust of parents, community members, and staff governs our organisation. Nobody draws a profit from our operations, all income is spent on maintaining our facilities and supporting the communities we serve.
At Creche we value and prioritise:
A tailored tamariki-centred experience.
Tamariki learning and developing through play and exploration of the world around them.
Nature-based play in our extensive grounds.
Being inclusive and celebrating diversity.
Staff participating in professional development so they can continue to provide the best environment for your tamariki.

Our two sites at the University of Waikato and Fraser High School offer high-quality learning experiences for tamariki from 0-6 years. We provide services for community tamariki as well as tamariki of staff and students of the University of Waikato and Fraser High School where we are located. Tamariki are based in different centres that cater to their age-related developmental and learning needs. There are four centres at the Hillcrest site, and two at the Fraser site.
Campus Creche is a licensed early childhood service that complies with the Ministry of Education Early Childcare Education Regulations 2008 and the Licensing Criteria for Early Childcare Education Services 2016.